

FEIIC - International Journal of Engineering and Technology


Int J Eng Tech

Published by Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries.
ISSN: 1823-1039

FEIIC - International Journal of Engineering and Technology (FEIIC - IJET) is published bi-annually, scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering and Technology.

The International Journal of Engineering and Technology covers research activities and development in the field of Engineering and Technology but are not limited to:

Agricultural and Bioengineering, Biotechnology,  Computational and Systems Engineering, Civil Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics, Energy, Industrial, Production & Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Aeronautic and Astronautic Engineering, and other related Engineering and technology fields.

All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.

FEIIC - IJET covers all areas of Engineering and Technology and accepts mainly the following which includes research articles, review articles, short communication, technical notes and proposal for special issues.

Frequency: Two issues per year in the month of June and December.


Monday the 15th.